Every year, it's the same cycle. You hatch brilliant ideas about the goals we'll achieve and the incredible person we'll become.
This year is THE year I get that promotion. I deserve it, nobody can do this job better than me. I will absolutely ace that interview.
I am not going to let my boss bully me anymore. 'Someone' needs to confront him with some truths.
Yes, I can do that presentation in front of the whole team. It's 'only' 50 of them after all....
I am heading straight to burnout - of course I can do something about it.
I will win that sport competition. I'll be on top of my game.
I am going to stop smoking, cold turkey on January 1st.
I can stop vaping. No big deal.
I am done with eating sugar all the time. I will stop eating sugar... I will stop eating sugar!
I will find a solution for my IBS.
I will get over my impostor syndrome. Of course I am worth it! Am I...?
I will cope with stress, anxiety and fears. I will become a better version of myself.
Does this sound familiar...? We've all been there. I still remember the year I turned 16 and I decided I would not cry for the next 365 days (especially not over that boy....)!
Setting up goals and making plans is perfectly natural. We are encouraged by social media and those around us. Company objectives and SMART goals are being set for the year. We want to be a better person, get better and become a better version of ourselves. Often, we want to do this for others. And sometimes, we just know we owe it to ourselves.
Choosing January 1st is symbolic and a new year is usually a good opportunity to reset. However, who's to say that your birthday, holidays or ANY day of the year is not a better day?
Reassessing your triggers
Consider the triggers that push you toward change:
The comment from the boss that tipped you over the edge.
The one deliverable that left you exhausted more than usual.
The morning you realize you just do not want to – or cannot – get out of bed.
The day you decided to stop eating chocolate and suddenly found yourself on the sofa, watching "Snakes on a Plane" with a pack of digestives.
Identifying these triggers can be the key to making lasting changes.
Is it the comment from the boss or is it in reality the overall environment? Maybe it's that little voice that takes you back to when you were bullied at school...?
Is it really the deliverable that left you exhausted or the volume of work you've been managing for a very long time...?
Is it that morning you can't get out of bed, or has it been a succession of mornings where you barely managed...?
Do you associate movie + sofa to reward, and you suddenly realise you've been emotionally eating all that time...?
Practical Steps
Break Down Your Goals: It's not always an all-or-nothing step. Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps. For instance, if you want to quit smoking, see if you can reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.
Measure the Size of the Change: Assess the magnitude of the change you're aiming for and the time it will take. Be realistic about what you can achieve in a given timeframe. Do you want to stop eating sugar or combat your fear of flying or deal with your snake phobia all at the same time?
Seek Support: Any change requires strength, commitment, and support. Share your goals with friends, family, or a therapist who can provide encouragement and accountability. For example, will you really be able to sit down with your boss next week or do you need to get support from HR or others?
Create a Plan for Challenges: Anticipate the obstacles you may face along the way and develop strategies to overcome them. For example, if you're trying to stop eating sugar, have healthy snacks on hand to curb cravings.
Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement can keep you motivated.
Ready to get help?
If it was not for one my hypnotherapy colleagues, I probably would still run away from any dog I see; small or big, cute or scary - it made no difference to me. But I realised I needed help and I got it. In just one session, I was ready to walk in the woods with my friends’ dogs. It was an amazing feeling. Not being with the dogs (sorry!), but simply knowing that I did not have to be afraid anymore and did not need to think about it.
So... is today the day you are ready to get help with your good resolutions?
If yes, we are here to help. All the way. All the time.
Have a look at our website
If you are a professional, we can help you with change management, interview preparation, impostor syndrome, dealing with difficult situations, stop procrastinating, etc.
If you have a medical condition, fear or phobia, we can work together to find a resolution.
If you are suffering from stress, anxiety, traumas, we can support you to get back to a balanced life and be healthy.
Feel better. Achieve balance. Find solutions. Be healthy.